Founded in 2013, LifeNotes Wisdom was born out of love for peace and people. We aspire to make life more peaceful and vibrant for people with each project, event, investment, and sponsorship.
LifeNotes Wisdom Inc. was previously called Movement from Within Inc which began in 2003 with classes in yoga, and holistic therapy experiences.
Heather Skoll is a holistic expert and social entrepreneur with 40 years of collective experience in wellness, yoga, holistic therapy, fitness, martial arts, and community engagement.
Heather Skoll, Founder of LifeNotes Wisdom Inc


Current Projects

Movement classes and wellness content for those over 60 with chronic pain and stress.
Compassionate York Region is a regular online public meeting place to brainstorm ways to build a better world. 

Past Projects

Heather Skoll is engaged in local community, global change, and is passionate about
initiatives that have mental and emotional supports at their core.

Engaged youth in volunteerism, leadership, and social action from 2013-2018.
A mobile app built for the individual to access quick wellness tools for everyday stressors. Currently on hold.
Wellness videos for your body, mind, spirit, and emotions. Currently on hold.